第19章 IS of ELECTRE Method Family(1 / 3)



行动力很强的夏希羽随即拿出纸笔开始写写划划,他在一张纸的好几个角落里写上了“PROMETHEE”、“ELECTRE Method Family”、“MACBETH”、“Grey+”、“AHP+”、“TOPSIS”等好几个专业术语后,在这些词语下面写上了许多“人名(年份)”的标记,个别甚至还有月份,但他还是十分艰难地把其他词语都逐一划掉了。








“In July 1966, Bernard Roy, who previously one independent founder of Floyd-Warshell-Roy proedure1962, presented a paper in Rome in which he used his formal training in Mathematics to develop a practical decision-makingDM system, now known as ELECTRE. It involves a systetionship between all possible pairings of the different options, based on each option's scores on a set of mon criteria of evaluation. The result is a measure of the degree to which each option outranks all others. The methodology entails the construction of an outranking relation, the generation of concordance and discordance indices including the notion of relative importance of each criterion and an analysis of the results obtained frotionships derived.

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